Departments and Chairs
Organisational unit: Departments and Institutes
Research output
- Published
Zerstörung organischer Schadstoffe in Wässern mittels Reduktions- und Oxidationsprozesse
Gill, J., 2017Research output: Thesis › Master's Thesis
- Published
Zerspanen und Eloxieren von Recyclingaluminium
Schlögl, C., 2015Research output: Thesis › Doctoral Thesis
- Published
Zersetzung von Wasserstoffperoxid im schwefelsauren Medium unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Metallionen
Schiefer, G., 2020Research output: Thesis › Master's Thesis
- Published
Zero-Waste-Konzept zur Aufarbeitung von EAF-Staub auf Basis von Metallothermie
Haslinger, G., 2020Research output: Thesis › Master's Thesis
- Published
Zero Waste – Chances and Risks of (not) Applying Zero Waste Strategies and the Importance of Measuring Sustainability in the Recycling Sector
Rutrecht, B., Roßkogler, S., Nigl, T. & Pomberger, R., 11 Oct 2023.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper
- Published
Zero Waste - Chances and Risks of (not) applying zero waste strategies and the importance of measuring sustainability in the recycling sector.
Rutrecht, B., Roßkogler, S., Nigl, T. & Pomberger, R., 13 Sept 2023, Proceedings of the Sardinia Symposium 2023. Cagliari, ItalyResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
- Published
Zero Waste Approach - Entwicklung eines praxistauglichen Leitfadens um Ressourcenpotentiale in Industrie-Abfällen zu identifizieren und auszuschöpfen
Siegl, S., 2014Research output: Thesis › Master's Thesis (University Course)
- Published
Zero-Waste and Zero Energy in Breweries - The Utilisation of Spent Grains
Kepplinger, W., 2006, Zero-Waste and Zero Energy in Breweries - The Utilisation of Spent Grains. p. 78-78Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
- Published
Zero-Valent Iron for Heavy Metal Recovery of Waste Waters
Müller, P., Mischitz, R., Höllen, D., Sedlazeck, P., Krois, L.-M. & Olbrich, T., Sept 2016.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster › Research
- Published
ZEROS - Zerstörung organischer Schadstoffe in Wässern mittels innovativer Verfahrenskombination (Teil 2)
Sedlazeck, K. P., Vollprecht, D., Gill, J., Hartl, M., Müller, P., Mischitz, R., Trois, W., Maunz, I. & Frate, R. C., 2018, Recy&DepoTech, Vorträge-Konferenzband. Leoben, Vol. 14. p. 489 - 494Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution