Standardisierung von Feststoffturbinen

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


The so-called solid state material driven turbine is a device developed by the Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics at the University of Leoben. It enables the recovery of the energy present in a bulk material during the conveying process with a continuous conveying system, whereby belt conveyors are considered in this thesis. Until now, the solid state material driven turbine has been adapted to the respective area of application by means of elaborate simulations using the Discrete Element Method, which corresponds to a high amount of work. In the course of this master thesis, the standardization of an overshot solid state material driven turbine was carried out in order to find a correlation between the input parameters depending on the place of use, the volume flow rate, the belt velocity, the drop height, the selected diameter, and the output parameters, which can avoid the need of simulations and reduces costs. Through extensive simulations with different variations of the input parameters, correlations between the input parameters and the output parameters necessary for an optimal operation, such as the number of cells, the turbine speed, the horizontal center distance, the blade angle and the blade volume, could be found. In addition, guidelines for the design and construction of the necessary mechanical components and parts, such as the shaft, the bearings, and the chain gear, possibilities for the material selection of the solid state material driven turbine, and a template for the calculation of the payback period were prepared. With the help of the standardization, extensive simulations for the design of the solid state material driven turbine should no longer be necessary.


Translated title of the contributionStandardization of Solid State Material Driven Turbines
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
Award date15 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023