Optimierung der Roheisenlogistik der voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


The voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH in Leoben – Donawitz produces liquid pig iron from the raw materials iron ore, coke and additional charges in two blast furnaces. Pig iron gets processed to high quality steel in the steel mill. The site in Leoben-Donawitz is historically grown. Over the years existing installation were revitalized and on the other hand the site was enlarged by new plants. Due to the named upgrowth and the topographic situation – the plant cannot be expanded – it is a logistic challenge to coordinate the single production flows. The economic success of a metallurgical plant does not only depend on its technique of manufacture or its produced steel qualities but also on the material flow and the production planning of the individual manufacturing areas. An important part gets the transport of the used material. Especially how fast, smoothly, synchronously and cost–effective the transport can take place. Because of the increase of production during the last years it was no longer possible to guarantee a failure-free operation, It is also not possible to transport the liquid pig iron on time and in the exact amount to the steel mill. Due to this fact sometimes the capacity of the used ladle, where the liquid pig iron gets forwarded, can not be exploited optimally. The target of this work is to optimize the pig iron logistic at this site. Additonally to the material flow also the information flow between the three divisions: furnace, steel mill and thrust was investigated. The first part of this work describes the basics of material flow management. Methods for inquiring these flows are described and different notations of the material and information flow are explained. One chapter is focused on the common means and the means used in the transportation of pig iron. The inquiry of the actual situation and the resultant data, used for the simulation, are described. The implementation of the simulation and the resultant data are explained. Finally the work explains some optimizing measures.


Translated title of the contributionOptimization of the pig iron logistics at the voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH
Original languageGerman
  • Enickl, Gerhard, Supervisor (external), External person
  • Zsifkovits, Helmut, Supervisor (internal)
Award date18 Dec 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015