Mineral Production from Blast to Shipment - Orebody to Market

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis



Generally, this doctorial thesis Mineral Production from Blast to Shipment with the subtitle Orebody to Market treats the topic of systemised process reengineering and reorganisation with the support of developed procedures and dynamic holistic process models to finally consider the total value chain (supply chain) from orebody to market in industrial minerals industries. Therefore, three main steps with their corresponding sub steps were identified. Those are the development of a systemised procedure, the development of a general dynamic holistic process model and finally the verification of the approach through the application part on two significant industrial minerals and aggregate businesses. After discussing basics and applied tools like process mapping, structuring, modelling, portfolio management, strategic outsourcing, benchmarking and change management, the doctoral thesis starts with the preliminary objective target of developing a procedure for creating the foundation for developing a generally applicable process model for the industrial minerals and aggregate industry. This procedure got developed based on the mentioned basics. Results based on this step were beside the developed procedure to go on in the systemised process reengineering, various layouts and helpful experiences. Based on that developed procedure and the collected and structured data within, a general applicable dynamic holistic process model for the industrial minerals and aggregate industry has been modelled. That generally applicable dynamic holistic process model includes basically a business, a macro level, a detailed macro level and various micro level process models. Those process models consider beside the process itself, also the in the procedure evaluated process parameters, the costs, the performances and the process interfaces and interrelationships correlated. That finally defines the basis for the next step, the company specific application and verification phase. In this application and verification phase the developed generally applicable dynamic holistic process model has been applied and also verified on two representative operations (Rio Tinto Minerals and Mineral Abbau GmbH . Finally, through that approach, significant added value like in context to a cost cutting of more than 10 percent got realised and contributed to a continuous process improvement and a sustainable business.


Translated title of the contributionMineralische Rohstoffgewinnung von der Sprengung bis zum Versand- Von der Lagerstätte zum Markt
Original languageEnglish
  • Goetz, Damien, Assessor B (external), External person
  • Moser, Peter, Assessor A (internal)
Publication statusPublished - 2008