Entwicklung eines realitätsnahen Prüfverfahrens für Schwerlastketten

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis



The producers of skid chains were not able to develop a method that enables the examination of its manufactures in a laboratory under realistic terms so far. Hence, this dissertation investigates the development of a testing method for qualitative analysis of skid chains under defined laboratory terms. At the beginning of this research all relevant factors of influence of skid chains in use had to be investigated and evaluated. The focus of the research was based on the development of a virtual model of the chain operating method, due to the fact that essential parameters were hardly be defined or qualified in reality. The analysis of basic effects was conducted with computer-aided as well as experimental analysis methods. In the process of fundamental research a virtual model of kinematics was developed. Equally it was possible to model and virtually display the dynamic material behaviour as well as its cyclic failure of the typical skid chain material, whereby the operating behaviour of a skid chain would be virtually illustrated for the first time. Based on the results of the operating behaviour of skid chains another empirical model respectively an erosion model to examine the damage and service life of skid chain links was developed. Based on the results of the executed fundamental research it was possible to succeed in the development of a novel test rig, which considers the relevant aspects that are essential for the examination of skid chains. This test rig was also used to verify the developed erosion model. After verification of the fundamental research with the test rig, research regarding the influence of different chain link geometries on the traction was conducted.


Translated title of the contributionDevelopment of a realistic testing method for skid chains
Original languageGerman
  • Kessler, Franz, Assessor A (internal)
  • Oser, Jörg, Assessor B (external), External person
Publication statusPublished - 2014