Analysis of well-known reservoir models and sensitivity of different parameters to estimate deliverability from vertical, horizontal and fracked gas wells

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis



The real IPR (inflow performance relationship) associated with a well is resulted from a unique well penetrating a reservoir. This IPR of a well is a result of a number of reservoir-well models that are available in literature. These reservoir models are used in industry to estimate deliverability of different well configurations and therefore it is significant to delineate merits and limitations of each reservoir-well model with respect to well configuration. This is essential for production forecasts of wells with no further activities, as well as defining production profiles for exploratory / new development wells. OMV is operating in Pakistan, producing conventional gas reservoirs from Sawan field with vertical/slanted wells, and tight gas potential (Sawan) that needs to be exploited with multi-fractured horizontal wells. Moreover, OMV Pakistan is operating the field with different well configurations. Significant well and field case histories are available at OMV Pakistan to evaluate which reservoir-well models serves the best deliverability estimate for these gas wells and check the sensitive parameters for optimised production. In this thesis, different reservoir models are evaluated at different conditions to check which models result in realistic values with respect to the test rates. Furthermore a sensitivity analysis of respective parameters is carried out to quantify its impact on well deliverability. Analysis of these well-known models and the sensitive parameters will serve as a guideline for oil companies in exploration and production business.


Translated title of the contributionAnalyse bekannter Lagerstättenmodelle und des Einflusses unterschiedlicher Parameter um die Produktivität vertikaler, horizontaler und gefrackter Gassonden abzuschätzen
Original languageEnglish
  • Paraschiv, Catalin, Supervisor (external), External person
  • Atiq, Mustafa, Co-Supervisor (external), External person
  • Ott, Holger, Supervisor (internal)
Award date21 Oct 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016