Analyse, Potenziale und Entwicklungsstrategien für einen kommunalen Abfallbehandlungsstandort

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


Small, local waste treatment facilities often operate the same technical equipment for years without significant automation and recording of operational data. For strategic planning processes, a solid data basis on which decisions can be made is thus missing. This thesis deals with the strategic analysis, the identification of potentials and the creation of a strategy for future orientation of the facility based on this analysis. In order to represent the site as an integrated system, a model was created in form of a material flow analysis and associated cash flows, which represent the entire facility as well as its sub-areas in subsystems. Based on an internal and external analysis, measures for optimization and strategic alignment were derived. The external environment analysis was used as a basis for estimating possible developments in the future. Based on these developments, actions to react to future influences were developed and simulated in the model of the material flow analysis. Several strategies were derived from the results of the simulation, one of which was selected and further optimized. The recommendations for actions to implement the selected strategy are divided into short- and medium-term measures, which are mostly of an operational character and are intended to improve and optimize current operations, as well as long-term measures, which subsequently require a specific feasibility study. These long-term measures are aimed at preparing the site for future developments in the best possible way.


Translated title of the contributionAnalysis, potentials and development strategies for a locale waste treatment facility
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
  • Pomberger, Roland, Supervisor (internal)
  • Ablaßer, Christina, Supervisor (external), External person
Award date8 Apr 2022
Publication statusPublished - 2022