
Organisational unit: University

8601 - 8610 out of 21,969Page size: 10


  1. 2017
  2. Journal of physical chemistry C (C, Nanomaterials and interfaces) (Journal)

    Markus Kratzer (Peer reviewer)

    25 Mar 2017

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  3. 10th International Workshop of PPG-CEM / UFSCar: Application of Amorphous, Metastable, Nanostructures and Advanced Metallic Alloys

    Jürgen Eckert (Invited speaker)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  4. Bulk Nanostructured Advanced Metallic Alloys – Processing for Properties

    Jürgen Eckert (Invited speaker)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation

  5. Info-Tag

    Stefanie Scheiber (Lecturer)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement

  6. Studium Recyclingtechnik

    Stefanie Scheiber (Speaker)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation

  7. Symmetries of graphs 2017

    Norbert Seifter (Participant)

    24 Mar 201728 Mar 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

  8. Vorsitz Masterprüfung Grandl, Thomas

    Bruno Buchmayr (Examiner)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: Examination

  9. Vorsitz Masterprüfung Sommer, Thomas

    Bruno Buchmayr (Examiner)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: Examination

  10. Vorsitz Masterprüfung Suppan, Markus

    Bruno Buchmayr (Examiner)

    24 Mar 2017

    Activity: Examination