
Organisational unit: University

8561 - 8570 out of 21,969Page size: 10


  1. 2017
  2. Highlights der Untersuchungen im Modul 5

    Stefanie Scheiber (Speaker)

    3 Apr 2017

    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation

  3. Nanoscale (Journal)

    Christian Teichert (Peer reviewer)

    3 Apr 201717 Apr 2017

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  4. Robert Olejnik

    Ralf Schledjewski (Host) & Silvia Lloret Pertegas (Host)

    3 Apr 201714 Apr 2017

    Activity: Hosting a visitorHosting an academic visitor

  5. Vorsitz Rigorosum Dipl.-Ing. Philip Bundschuh

    Bruno Buchmayr (Examiner)

    3 Apr 2017

    Activity: Examination

  6. Advanced engineering materials (Journal)

    Clara Schuecker (Guest editor)

    Apr 2017

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  7. International journal of thermal sciences (Journal)

    Andreas Ludwig (Peer reviewer)

    Apr 2017

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  8. Multi-isotope tracers to investigate processes in the Elbe, Weser and Ems river catchment using B, Mo, Sr, and Pb isotope ratios assessed by MC ICP-MS (lecture)

    Johanna Irrgeher (Speaker), Florian Dutschke (Speaker), Anna Reese (Speaker), Anika Retzmann (Speaker), Tristan Zimmermann (Speaker), Thomas Prohaska (Speaker), Michael Wieser (Speaker) & Daniel Pröfrock (Speaker)

    Apr 2017 → …

    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation

  9. Blutcoltan und andere Konfliktminerale aus dem Kongo

    Frank Melcher (Speaker)

    31 Mar 2017

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Invited talk

  10. ERFA - Runde F&E Neue Materialien

    Johanna Bolitschek (Invited speaker)

    31 Mar 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

  11. Tag der Lehre 2017

    Werner Sitte (Organiser)

    31 Mar 2017

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course