
Organisational unit: University

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  1. 2019
  2. Acta crystallographica / A (Section A, Foundations of crystallography) (Journal)

    Gerhard Popovski (Peer reviewer)

    24 Apr 201916 May 2019

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  3. Colloidal Nano- and Supercrystals: Crystal Structure determines Functionality

    Rainer Lechner (Lecturer)

    24 Apr 201926 Apr 2019

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Invited talk

  4. Has ICP-MS helped to improve the quality of data obtained from geological samples?

    Thomas Meisel (Speaker)

    24 Apr 2019

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Invited talk

  5. Kristallstruktur und elektrochemische Eigenschaften von Seltenerd-Nickelaten für Festoxidzellen

    Andreas Egger (Speaker), Christian Berger (contributor), Edith Bucher (contributor), Nina Schrödl (contributor) & Werner Sitte (contributor)

    24 Apr 2019

    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation

  6. Mooresches Gesetz und EUV Lithographie: Tendenzen und Design von Bragg-Spiegeln

    Friedemar Kuchar (Invited speaker)

    24 Apr 201926 Apr 2019

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  7. NEFI new energy for Industry. Dekarbonisierung der Industrie in Österreich

    Thomas Kienberger (Speaker)

    24 Apr 2019

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  8. New opportunities with ICP-QQQ-MS for geochemical applications

    Thomas Meisel (Speaker)

    24 Apr 2019

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Invited talk

  9. Rigorosum

    Helmut Zsifkovits (Examiner)

    24 Apr 2019

    Activity: Examination