Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Herausgeber (Verlag): Verlag/Herausgebende InstitutionHerausgeber (Verlag)


  1. Veröffentlicht

    A probabilistic approach for complete coverage path planning with low-cost systems

    Rottmann, N., Denz, R., Bruder, R. & Rueckert, E., Aug. 2021, 2021 10th European Conference on Mobile Robots, ECMR 2021 - Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (2021 10th European Conference on Mobile Robots, ECMR 2021 - Proceedings).

    Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Buch/SammelbandForschung

  2. Veröffentlicht

    A Rayleigh-Ritz Autoencoder

    Terbuch, A., O'Leary, P., Ninevski, D., Hagendorfer, E. J., Schlager, E., Windisch, A. & Schweimer, C., 2023, 2023 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) (I2MTC 2023). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, S. 1-6

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  3. Veröffentlicht

    A Simulation-Based Assessment of Print Accuracy for Microelectronic Parts Manufactured with DLP 3D Printing Process

    Thalhamer, A., Fuchs, P., Strohmeier, L., Hasil, S. & Wolfberger, A., 2022, 2022 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2022. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (2022 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2022).

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  4. Veröffentlicht

    Automatic Synthesis of Admissible Functions for Variational Learning

    O'Leary, P., Ninevski, D. & Terbuch, A., 2023, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA 2023). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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  5. Veröffentlicht

    Characterization and modeling of a typical curing material for photoresist films

    Peng, C., Morak, M., Thalhamer, A., Gschwandl, M., Fuchs, P., Tao, Q., Krivec, T., Antretter, T. & Celigueta, M. A., 2022, 2022 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2022. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (2022 23rd International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2022).

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  6. DC voltage balancing of flying converter cell active rectifier

    Makoschitz, M., Hartmann, M., Ertl, H. & Fehringer, R., 11 Nov. 2014, 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2014. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, S. 4071-4078 8 S. 6953956. (2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2014).

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  7. Veröffentlicht

    Decomposition of a Periodic Perturbed Signal with Unknown Perturbation Frequency by the Method of Variable Projection

    Handler, J., Ninevski, D. & O'Leary, P., 20 Dez. 2021, 2021 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Automation ICMEAS 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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  8. Veröffentlicht

    Design and experimental verification of a third harmonic injection rectifier circuit using a Flying converter cell

    Hartmann, M., Fehringer, R., Makoschitz, M. & Ertl, H., 2014, APEC 2014 - 29th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, S. 920-927 8 S. 6803418. (Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC).

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    Development and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of an Air Purifier Automatic Control System

    Babunski, D., Zaev, E., Poposki, F., Koleva, R. & Rath, G., 7 Juni 2021, 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 9460141. (2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2021).

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  10. Veröffentlicht

    Discrete Inverse Problem Approach to Path Tracking in State Space Form

    Harker, M. & Rath, G., 2018, 2018 International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE 2018) : Pilsen, Czech Republic 11 – 12 September 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, S. 41-44 (2018 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ELECTRONICS (AE)).

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