Yield stress evolution in Inconel 718 samples under standard heat treatment process conditions of turbine disks

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


  • Andreas Drexler
  • Erwin Povodon-Karadeniz
  • Andreas Fischersworring-Bunk

External Organisational units

  • Materials Center Leoben Forschungs GmbH
  • Böhler Schmiedetechnik GmbH and Co KG
  • MTU Aero Engines AG


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuropean Conference on Heat Treatment 2015 and 22nd IFHTSE Congress - Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering from Tradition to Innovation
PublisherAssociazione Italiana di Metallurgia
ISBN (electronic)9788898990030
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventEuropean Conference on Heat Treatment 2015 and 22nd Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering from Tradition to Innovation Congress, IFHTSE 2015 - Venice, Italy
Duration: 20 May 201522 May 2015


ConferenceEuropean Conference on Heat Treatment 2015 and 22nd Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering from Tradition to Innovation Congress, IFHTSE 2015