Variantenreduktion im Versand von Schmiedeteilen: Exemplarische Evaluierung am Beispiel der voestalpine Böhler Aerospace GmbH & Co KG

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


In this master's thesis, the process of shipping forged parts was analysed with the aim of reducing the complexity in the design of the shipments and the associated storage logistics of the packaging materials. The approach taken in this thesis is to reduce the number of packaging variants. By reducing complexity and standardising processes, the company will be able to work more efficiently and reduce waste. After analysing the theoretical basics of packaging and variant management, the data basis is collected in case studies, a system is developed for reducing the number of variants, and this reduction is then implemented. The Euclidean distance between the packaging materials was chosen as the criterion for variant reduction. This made it possible to identify packaging types that could be eliminated due to their similarity. The subsequent reduction led to a reduction of more than 40% of the existing standard packaging types. The results of the work demonstrate that through careful analysis and targeted measures, improvements can be achieved in the shipping of forged parts and the storage logistics of packaging materials. The implications of this research provide insights for the implementation of similar process optimisation projects in other manufacturing and logistics areas. The methodology and results of this work can serve as a model for further research and practice in the optimisation of packaging and shipping processes.


Translated title of the contributionVariant reduction in the dispatch of forged parts: Exemplary evaluation using the case of voestalpine Böhler Aerospace GmbH & Co KG
Original languageGerman
Awarding Institution
Award date22 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024