Untersuchung der Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Radialschmiedens zur Herstellung rotationssymmetrischer Bauteile mittels Finiter-Elemente-Methoden

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

Organisational units


Due to the incremental character the investigation of the complex radial forging process by finite element methods is very time consuming. The aim of this study was to investigate different modelling feasibilities and the creation of an automated input model to reduce the effort for modelling. Using this new model the total computational time could be reduced. The usability of two- and three-dimensional models has been verified. These two calculation types have been compared with respect to the local variables such as material flow, stresses and strains as well as to the global variables such as the required deformation force. The limitations of the shorter and simpler but more inaccurate two-dimensional simulation have been shown. As a result of the development of an automated input system for the FE simulation, the efficiency of the 3D simulation has been increased significantly. That is why the effort of creating the FE model has been diminished substantially and the calculation time could be reduced considerably. The created simulation models are used to investigate different influencing parameters on the incremental radial forging process. Thus, in this work the influences of the osculation of the tool and the angle of rotation on the shape of the work piece have been investigated for the plunge in and hitch-feed method. Using the FE models it could be shown that the maximum wall thickness of a tube which is manufactured be the plunge in method can be calculated by geometric relations. Studies about the influence of different parameters on radial forging a tube using a mandrel showed the process related limitations and also measures to expand them. Forging solid bars the influence of different forging strategies was investigated. So the effect of the pass schedule on the hydrostatic stress condition in the core of the material has been determined. Using pass schedules with skipped bites the core impact can be increased. For the axial-radial forming process the influence of different tool kinematics on the final product has been shown by numerous calculations. By an extended radial guiding of the work piece the scope of application of producible geometries using axial-radial forming processes can be extended.


Translated title of the contributionAnalysis of the capabilities of the radial forging technology for the production of rotationally symmetric products using Finite-Element-methods.
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2012