Thermally Treated Residues and By-Products as Components of Waste-Based Alkali-Activated Materials

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearch


  1. 2024
  2. Thermally Treated Residues and By-Products as Components of Waste-Based Alkali-Activated Materials

    Florian Roman Steindl (Speaker), Stefanie Radinger (contributor), Amr Hassan (contributor), Ognjen Rudic (contributor), Katharina Weisser (contributor), Anna Krammer (contributor), Klaus Doschek-Held (contributor), Bettina Ratz (contributor), Iris Zögl (contributor), Sara Raic (contributor), Florian Mittermayr (contributor) & Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg (contributor)


    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation