The Need for an Accuracy Check of Irradiation Sensors for Photovoltaic Power Plants

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


  • Wolfgang Muehleisen
  • Lukas Neumaier
  • F. Taverna
  • Markus Makula
  • B. Streit
  • Moritz Graefe
  • Moritz Graefe
  • J. Kosel
  • Christina Hirschl

External Organisational units

  • Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
  • ENcome Energy Performance GmbH
  • Uptime Engineering GmbH


Operation and maintenance companies, PV plant owners and scientific PV institutes have the challenge to monitor PV installations correctly. When a changed performance ratio is recognized, it is to clarify whether the installation or the sensor is wrong. To be sure that solar irradiation sensors for photovoltaic applications are accurate, a cross-check is applied for four different application cases in the laboratory and in the field. These examples include comparisons between measurement devices like a pyranometer, silicon solar cell irradiation sensors or a photodiode sensor. In the end, guidelines for reliable measurements in the field are provided.


Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020
EventEU PVSEC 2020 -
Duration: 7 Sept 202011 Sept 2020


ConferenceEU PVSEC 2020