The first recording of the presence of nautiloids (Eutrephoceras ex gr. boissieri) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Mecsek Mountains, southern Hungary

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


  • László Bujtor
  • Ákos Miklósy
  • Richárd Albrecht
  • Csaba Farkas
  • Bertalan Makó
  • Dávid Maróti
  • Sigrid Missoni

Organisational units

External Organisational units

  • University of Pécs


Fieldwork around the lime-kilns at Zengővárkony (southern Hungary, eastern Mecsek Mts.) has led to the discovery
of previously unknown beds of the Hidasivölgy Marl Formation. Based on bio- and lithostratigraphic considerations,
here a Valanginian (Hauterivian?) age is assumed. This recently discovered section consists of thin-bedded, greybrownish turbiditic marls and limestones laid down in rhythmic alterations. Excavations of the marl beds have yielded a
poorly-preserved, but rich cephalopod fauna. Furthermore, Eutrephoceras ex gr. boissieri has been identified here, and
this is the first record of Cretaceous nautiloids from the Mecsek Mountains


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-24
Number of pages6
JournalFöldtani közlöny : a Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat folyóirata
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Apr 2019