Techno-economic assessment of the application of sorption heat storage in single-family houses

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


In future energy systems volatile production will be dominant. Heating uses a major share of energy in energy systems. Therefore, the deployment of thermal energy storage is key to successful energy management. Sorption heat storage is a promising technology for long-term storage application.
This thesis examines the potential to store heat in a closed fixed-bed sorption heat storage system on a long-term basis for application on household scale from a technical and financial standpoint and the client’s point of view.
Many systems have demonstrated the capability of the system to store heat seasonally. This demonstrator plant showed efficiencies that were high enough to justify this storage technology. Round-trip efficiencies greater than 60% make this technology interesting for various markets. When actively managing the losses RTE close to 100% are possible.
Overall, the technical performance was satisfactory, and Zeolite proved very usable.
LCOH of 350 €∙MWh-1 to 600 €∙MWh-1, LCOS in the range of 600 €∙kWh-1 to 900 €∙kWh-1, storage cost between 36 € ∙kWh-1 and 76 €∙kWh-1 and amortization times of 20 to 25 years can be achieved with the presented system. Future improvements and adaptations to the plant layout will improve metrics and achieve market readiness.


Translated title of the contributionTechnisch-wirtschaftliche Bewertung des Einsatzes von Sorptionswärmespeichern in Einfamilienhäusern
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
Award date30 Jun 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023