Management of Emergency Situations Caused by the Misuse of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Upravljanje u vanrednim situacijama izazvanim zloupotrebom oružja za masovno uništavanje

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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title = "Management of Emergency Situations Caused by the Misuse of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Upravljanje u vanrednim situacijama izazvanim zloupotrebom oru{\v z}ja za masovno uni{\v s}tavanje",
author = "Vladimir Cvetkovic",
year = "2012",
language = "Undefined/Unknown",


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T1 - Management of Emergency Situations Caused by the Misuse of Weapons of Mass Destruction

T2 - Upravljanje u vanrednim situacijama izazvanim zloupotrebom oružja za masovno uništavanje

AU - Cvetkovic, Vladimir

PY - 2012

Y1 - 2012

M3 - Master's Thesis

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