Influence of curing degree on the mechanical performance of polymer matrix composites

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


External Organisational units

  • Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH
  • Institute of Applied Physics


As a continuation of our previous work, which concerned the relationship between curing degree and
key neat resin properties, an experimental study was carried out to evaluate the applicability and
limitations of the results of the characteristic neat resin properties on polymer matrix composites. The
glass transition temperature, storage modulus and fracture energy of a unidirectional carbon fiberreinforced epoxy laminate were studied as a function of the degree of cure. Using dynamic mechanical
and fracture mechanics tests a good correlation between the key neat resin and laminate properties was


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Number of pages6
ISBN (electronic)9781510896932
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2018 - Athens, Greece
Duration: 24 Jun 201828 Jun 2018

Publication series

NameECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials


Conference18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2018