Feedstocks for the Shaping-Debinding-Sintering Process of Multi Material Components

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

Organisational units


In the project CerAMfacturing, the production of new multi material parts by FFF is being developed. An infrared heater has being chosen as demonstrator, requiring electrical conductivity and insulating functionalities by the combination of metallic and ceramic materials. New binder formulations have been developed (considering the requirements for FFF and SDS) and tested for the production of such components. For feedstocks containing powders with small size, such as those of the zirconium oxide used as insulating material, large defects were observed after the immersion in cyclohexane. In addition, the debinding rate is considerably smaller than those of other powders with larger size such as stainless steel or titanium. In order to facilitate the debinding process, stearic acid (SA) has been incorporated as a surfactant. The improvement of the dispersion of the powder and the smaller swelling of the SA during its dissolution facilitates the process and increases the debinding rate while reducing the defects observed in the parts. Nevertheless, these defects can be still observed, and further optimization is required in both the formulation and the process.


Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Apr 2018
Event27. Leobener Kunststoff-Kolloquium: Print & Coat - Polymere in Druck- und Beschichtungstechnologien - Auditorium Maximum der Montanuniversität Leoben, Leoben, Austria
Duration: 19 Apr 201820 Apr 2018
Conference number: 27


Conference27. Leobener Kunststoff-Kolloquium
Abbreviated titleLKK
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