Factors of impact on the citizens awareness of emergency situations risks in Serbia: Činioci uticaja na svest građana o rizicima nastanka vanrednih situacija u Srbiji

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Cvetković, V., & Jakovljević, V. (2017). Činioci uticaja na svest građana o rizicima nastanka vanrednih situacija u Srbiji - Factors of impact on the citizens awareness of emergency situations risks in Serbia. Peto naučno savetovanje ,,Upravljanje rizicima", VTŠ Požarevac


Translated title of the contributionFactors of impact on the citizens awareness of emergency situations risks in Serbia
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationPeto naučno savetovanje ,,Upravljanje rizicima", VTŠ Požarevac
Publication statusPublished - 2017