Extraction of Zn from dust generated during steel production

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis


In this master's thesis, the technologies of zinc extraction from steelmaking dust have been analyzed. On the basis of the analysis the technological scheme for ferrous metallurgy waste processing of "`Severstal¿" company was developed, which includes two-stage dust leaching with hydrochloric acid, extraction, re-extraction, carbonization, HCl regeneration in "Ruthner" furnace and electrolysis. A number of experiments were conducted to identify the optimum parameters (temperature and duration) for the leaching operation. The option of providing hydrochloric acid regeneration in order to ensure the closure of the technology was also proposed. Factors that can affect the economic efficiency of the technology in case of implementation in the production scale were considered. Aspects affecting industrial safety have also been evaluated and measures to maintain a safe production environment have been proposed. The paper consists of pages and includes 16 figures and 20 tables.


Translated title of the contributionExtraktion von Zn aus Staub, der bei der Stahlproduktion entsteht
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
Award date20 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023