Evaluation of Performance of an Amine Based and an Imidazoline Based Gas and Gas Condensate Inhibitor Tested With High Velocity Laboratory Test Rig

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


  • Wolfgang Havlik
  • Gerald Zehethofer
  • Stefan Hönig
  • M. Rückemann

External Organisational units

  • Institute of Materials Science and Technology
  • OMV Exploration and Production GmbH


An amine based C02 corrosion inhibitors and an imidazoline based C02 corrosion inhibitor has been
tested in a two-phase laboratory flow loop system under conditions of a mature gas condensate well in
After a detailed description of the experimental setups, degradation rates of material API (1) L-80 (UNS
G41300) as function of flow velocity and inhibitor dosage are presented. Further one the influence of
chloride addition on inhibitor performance has been investigated. All results are discussed with respect
to critical inhibitor concentration to reach nearly 100 % inhibitor efficiency.
Inhibitor one exhibits as an active ingredient alkylamine dissolved in ethylene glycol and different
alcohols and the effect of inhibitor two is basically based on imidazoline dissolved in different alcohols.
Results demonstrate that the test rig delivers resonable results with respect to inhibitor protection rates.
Independent of superficial flow velocities (tested between 3 and 35 m/s) both inhibitors exhibit a good
performance, as long as dosed above their critical concentration. The critical concentration is clearly
below 100 ppm to the liquid phase. Addition of chlorides affects the performance of the alkylamine
based inhibitor significantly more than in case of the imidazoline.


Original languageEnglish
PagesPaper Number: NACE-2015-5713
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2015
EventCorrosion 2015 - Dallas, United States
Duration: 15 Mar 201519 Mar 2015


ConferenceCorrosion 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited States