EURECA-PRO, The European University Alliance on Responsible Consumption and Production

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


  • Susanne Feiel
  • Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht
  • Evan Diamadopoulos
  • Arkadiusz Mężyk
  • Roberto Baelo
  • Sorin Mihai Radu
  • Ludwig Hilmer
  • Konstantinos Komnitsas

External Organisational units

  • Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Technical University of Crete
  • Silesian University of Technology Gliwice (SUT)
  • University León
  • University of Petrosani
  • Mittweida University of Applied Sciences


In the frame of the ERASMUS+ Framework Programme seven higher education institutions located in six different European Union (EU) member states, namely the University of Leoben (Austria), the Technical University Freiberg (Germany), the University of Petrosani (Romania), the University of León (Spain), the Technical University of Crete (Greece), the Silesian University of Technology (Po-land) and the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany) joined forces and aim to create a strong and unique European University in the field of Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP): EURECA-PRO, This university has a two-fold societal and planetary mission. On the one hand, it will holistically contribute to the very important issue of RCP under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, and on the other hand, it will effectively contribute to the transformation of the European Higher Education Area complimentarily to SDG 4. EURECA-PRO started on November 1, 2020 and by 2025 aims to be well-known throughout Europe for its competence as an educational core hub and as interdisciplinary research and innovation leader in qualitative environmental and social framework development for sustainable consumption and production of goods as well as for responsible systems design. By 2040 EURECA-PRO aims to be the global educational core hub and interdisciplinary research and innovation leader in qualitative environmental and social framework development for RCP of resources and goods. This will comprise technological, ecological, policy, economic and societal aspects and their transfer into the society and industry. Staff and future graduates will acquire sustainable, interdisciplinary, intercultural and systemic thinking engrained in their natural way of operation, fostering a prosperous societal development and a healthy economy, while at the same time relieving environmental pressures.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the European Metallurgical Conference 2021
Place of PublicationClausthal
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2021
EventEuropean metallurgical conference 2021 (online) - Salzburg, Austria
Duration: 27 Jun 202130 Jun 2021


ConferenceEuropean metallurgical conference 2021 (online)