Assessment of measures to reduce corporate carbon emissions along the production and energy processes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The European Union's targets for achieving a climate-neutral continent by 2050 require comprehensive measures to manage this structurally profound transformation of European industries towards low-carbon economies. Due to this holistic complexity, a systemized analysis identified two central corporate value streams – the corporate production process and the corporate energy process – with significant decarbonization potential. For both value creating processes, various decarbonization measures along the activity chains of a company were analyzed and evaluated in terms of their effects on various emission areas and the associated time horizons. A comparison of the two processes reveals major differences in the effects of the measures on commonly accepted emission scopes and time frames. Furthermore, a comparison of the carbon emission reduction measures of the two processes shows various overlaps. Finally, an outlook is given on further emission scopes that are currently under discussion which could further support the decarbonization process of companies.


Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOrganisation und Dynamik von Energiemärkten und Investitionen in Infrastrukturen
Subtitle of host publicationBalance zwischen langfristigen Klimazielen und aktuellen Realitäten
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2025