Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


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  • Universiteit Utrecht


We introduce a family of maps generating continued fractions where the digit 1 in the numerator is replaced cyclically by some given non-negative integers (N_1, . . . , N_m). We prove the convergence of the given algorithm, and study the underlying dynamical system generating such expansions. We prove the existence of a unique absolutely continuous invariant ergodic measure. In special cases, we are able to build the natural extension and give an explicit expression of the invariant measure. For these cases, we formulate a Doeblin-Lenstra type theorem. For other cases we have a more implicit expression that we conjecture gives the invariant density. This conjecture is supported by simulations. For the simulations we use a method that gives us a smooth approximation in every iteration.


Original languageEnglish
Article numberA65
Number of pages25
JournalINTEGERS: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2022