Verena Maier-Kiener
- 2018
Deformationsverhalten und dehnungsinduzierte Phasenumwandlung einer Co-Cr-W Implantatlegierung
Weißensteiner, I. (Speaker), Erdely, P. (contributor), Clemens, H. (contributor) & Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor)
9 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Essential refinements of spherical nanoindentation protocols and a multi-sharp tip approach for the reliable determination of mechanical flow curves
Maier-Kiener, V. (Speaker), Leitner, A. (Speaker) & Kiener, D. (Speaker)
9 Apr 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
High temperature flow behavior of ultra-strong nanoporous Au
Leitner, A. (Speaker), Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor) & Kiener, D. (contributor)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Hydrogen embrittlement in nickel-based superalloys
Ebner, A. (Speaker), Brinckmann, S. (contributor), Leitner, A. (contributor), Clemens, H. (contributor), Pippan, R. (contributor) & Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor)
2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
- 2017
Nanoindentation as a versatile tool to assess thermally activated deformation processes
Maier-Kiener, V. (Speaker)
27 Nov 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Multilayer thin films: Assessing flow behavior, interface adhesion and fracture strength of individual interfaces
Kiener, D. (Invited speaker), Leitner, A. (contributor), Fritz, R. (contributor), Issa, I. (contributor), Gruber, M. (contributor), Bermejo, R. (contributor) & Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor)
26 Nov 2017 → 1 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Spherical Nanoindentation - Prospects towards its application as a multifunctional testing technique
Leitner, A. (Speaker), Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor) & Kiener, D. (contributor)
4 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Advanced nanoindentation testing for studying strain-rate sensitivity and activation volume
Maier-Kiener, V. (Speaker)
1 Oct 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Effect of carbon content and annealing treatments on the mechanical properties and the microstructure in nanocrystalline CrMnFeCoNi alloys doped with carbon
Schuh, B. (Speaker), LI, J. (contributor), Hohenwarter, A. (contributor), Völker, B. (contributor) & Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor)
17 Sept 2017 → 22 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Phase decomposition of a single-phase AlTiVNb high-entropy alloy after severe plastic deformation and annealing
Schuh, B. (Speaker), Hohenwarter, A. (contributor), Maier-Kiener, V. (contributor), LI, J. (contributor), Völker, B. (contributor) & Todt, J. (contributor)
17 Sept 2017 → 22 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation