Rostislav Daniel


  1. 2019
  2. University Roma TRE, Engineering Department

    Daniel, R. (Visiting researcher)

    1 Apr 201917 Apr 2019

    Activity: Visiting an external institutionVisiting an external academic institution

  3. 2018
  4. Saqib Rashid

    Daniel, R. (Host)

    1 Nov 201831 Jan 2019

    Activity: Hosting a visitorHosting an academic visitor

  5. Advanced characterization of microstructure, stress state and thermo-mechanical properties of nanostructured materials by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction

    Daniel, R. (Speaker), Meindlhumer, M. (contributor), Todt, J. (contributor), Klima, S. (contributor), Jäger, N. (contributor), Hruby, H. (contributor), Stark, A. (contributor), Burghammer, M. C. (contributor), Mitterer, C. (contributor) & Keckes, J. (contributor)

    26 Sept 201828 Sept 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  6. Anisotropy of fracture toughness of nanostructured materials controlled by grain boundary design

    Daniel, R. (Speaker), Meindlhumer, M. (contributor), Todt, J. (contributor), Mitterer, C. (contributor) & Keckes, J. (contributor)

    26 Sept 201828 Sept 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  7. Strategy of multiple crack deflection at tailored interfaces for damage tolerant materials - Towards damage resistant hard materials

    Daniel, R. (Speaker), Meindlhumer, M. (contributor), Zalesak, J. (contributor), Mitterer, C. (contributor) & Keckes, J. (contributor)

    26 Sept 201828 Sept 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  8. Towards nanostructured materials with enhanced mechanical properties by dedicated microstructural design

    Daniel, R. (Speaker), Mitterer, C. (contributor) & Keckes, J. (contributor)

    26 Sept 201828 Sept 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  9. Evolution of structure, residual stresses and wear resistance of multi-layered AlTiSiN-AlCrN coatings upon thermal loading revealed by cross-sectional X-ray diffraction and tribological testing

    Klima, S. (Speaker), Jäger, N. (contributor), Meindlhumer, M. (contributor), Hruby, H. (contributor), Mitterer, C. (contributor), Keckes, J. (contributor) & Daniel, R. (contributor)

    23 Apr 201827 Apr 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  10. New insights in high temperature properties and oxidation behaviour of AlCrSixN

    Jäger, N. (Speaker), Klima, S. (contributor), Meindlhumer, M. (contributor), Hruby, H. (contributor), Mitterer, C. (contributor), Keckes, J. (contributor) & Daniel, R. (contributor)

    23 Apr 201827 Apr 2018

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

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