Peter Julian Imrich



  1. 2022
  2. Size Affected Toughening and Strain Rate Sensitivity of Silicon

    Kiener, D. (Invited speaker), Issa, I. (contributor), Kolitsch, S. (contributor), Hohenwarter, A. (contributor), Gammer, C. (contributor), Imrich, P. J. (contributor), Pippan, R. (contributor) & Gammer, C. (contributor)

    25 May 2022

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk

  3. 2021
  4. Fracture of distinct interfaces: In-situ observations vs. stiffness approaches

    Issa, I. (contributor), Gammer, C. (contributor), Kolitsch, S. (contributor), Hohenwarter, A. (contributor), Imrich, P. J. (contributor), Pippan, R. (contributor) & Kiener, D. (Invited speaker)

    17 Sept 2021

    Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation

  5. 2017
  6. Multilayer thin films: Assessing flow behavior, interface adhesion and fracture strength of individual interfaces

    Kiener, D. (Invited speaker), Issa, I. (contributor), Imrich, P. (contributor), Gammer, C. (contributor) & Sandfeld, S. (contributor)

    9 Jul 201713 Jul 2017

    Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk