Michael Burtscher
- 2024
Micro- and nanomechanical in-situ experiments to address fracture processes
Daniel Kiener (Invited speaker), Markus Alfreider (contributor), Julius F. Keckes (contributor), Klemens Silvester Schmuck (contributor), Hannah Lichtenegger (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor) & Christoph Gammer (contributor)
9 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Mechanical response of varying non-equilibrium grain boundary states in nanocrystalline iron-chromium
Markus Alfreider (Speaker), Julius F. Keckes (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor), Andrea Bachmaier (contributor), Daniel Kiener (contributor) & Michael Meindlhumer (contributor)
8 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Nanostructured materials with tailored interfaces for harsh environments
Daniel Kiener (Invited speaker), Julius F. Keckes (contributor), Klemens Silvester Schmuck (contributor), Hannah Lichtenegger (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor) & Markus Alfreider (contributor)
3 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Micro- and nanomechanical in situ investigations of distinct interfaces
Michael Burtscher (Speaker), Markus Alfreider (contributor), Simon Fellner (contributor), Christoph Gammer (contributor) & Daniel Kiener (contributor)
6 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Grain boundary doping and precipitation to enhance nanostructured materials
Daniel Kiener (Invited speaker), Michael Burtscher (contributor), Christina Kainz (contributor), Julius F. Keckes (contributor), Klemens Silvester Schmuck (contributor), Hannah Lichtenegger (contributor) & Markus Alfreider (contributor)
5 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Grain boundary modification to enhance nanostructured materials for harsh environments
Daniel Kiener (Invited speaker), Julius F. Keckes (contributor), Klemens Silvester Schmuck (contributor), Hannah Lichtenegger (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor) & Markus Alfreider (contributor)
22 Feb 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2023
Investigating the effect of grain size tailoring on the local fracture characteristics for tungsten copper nanocomposites
Klemens Silvester Schmuck (Speaker), Markus Alfreider (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor) & Daniel Kiener (contributor)
5 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Nano- and microstructural evolution of FeTi-Cu processed by High-Pressure Torsion
Lukas Schweiger (Speaker), Florian Spieckermann (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor), Daniel Kiener (contributor) & Jürgen Eckert (contributor)
5 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Scale bridging evaluation of the fracture behavior of an advanced TiAl alloy
Michael Burtscher (Invited speaker), Onur Can Şen (contributor), Ashish Chauniyal (contributor), Rebecca Janisch (contributor) & Daniel Kiener (contributor)
5 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Achieving functional nanocomposites from unlikely pairings: FeTi-Cu as a model system
Lukas Schweiger (Speaker), Florian Spieckermann (contributor), Michael Burtscher (contributor), Erhard Schafler (contributor), Daniel Kiener (Speaker) & Jürgen Eckert (Speaker)
22 Aug 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation