Maria Gfrerrer
- 2024
Acoustic Emission based determination of delamination initiation in GFRP laminates
Andreas J. Brunner (Speaker), Veronika Koss (contributor), Maria Gfrerrer (contributor) & Gerald Pinter (contributor)
20 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
AE based crack size estimates from delamination propagation in fiber reinforced thermoset composites
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Veronika Koss (contributor), Gerald Pinter (contributor) & Andreas J. Brunner (contributor)
18 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
On the determination of shear strength from tensile tests of ±45° fiber reinforced polymer laminates
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Vasco Daniel Castro Pires (contributor), Andreas J. Brunner (contributor), Clara Schuecker (contributor) & Gerald Pinter (contributor)
4 Jul 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Comparing Mode I, Mode II and Mixed-Mode I/II interlaminar fracture toughness of glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates with the same epoxy matrix system
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Veronika Koss (contributor), Johannes Wiener (contributor), Andreas J. Brunner (contributor) & Gerald Pinter (contributor)
27 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Abschätzung mikroskopischer Rissgrößen aus Schallemissionsdaten bruchmechanischer Versuche an Faserverbund-Kunststoffen
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker)
19 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Estimating Microscopic Defect Size from Mode I, Mode II, and Mixed Mode I/II Interlaminar Delamination Propagation in GFRP and CFRP Laminates under Quasi-static Loads
Andreas J. Brunner (Speaker), Maria Gfrerrer (contributor), Veronika Koss (contributor) & Gerald Pinter (contributor)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2023
Correlating crack density, stiffness degradation and dissipated energy during fatigue loading of ±45° GFRP laminates
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Johannes Wiener (contributor), Matthias Drvoderic (contributor), Andreas J. Brunner (contributor) & Gerald Gerhard Pinter (contributor)
1 Aug 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Schallemissionsanalyse während der zyklischen Belastung von kontinuierlich faserverstärkten Kunststoffen
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Johannes Wiener (contributor), Andreas J. Brunner (contributor) & Gerald Gerhard Pinter (contributor)
21 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2022
Investigation of background noise affecting AE data acquisition during tensile loading of FRPs
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Johannes Wiener (contributor), Andreas J. Brunner (contributor) & Gerald Gerhard Pinter (contributor)
15 Sept 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Detection of damage in continuous fiber-reinforced polymers by acoustic emission
Maria Gfrerrer (Speaker), Johannes Wiener (contributor), Christian Schneider (contributor) & Gerald Gerhard Pinter (contributor)
21 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation