Klaus Lederer



  1. 2007
  2. 6. DPI-Workshop

    Lederer, K. (Speaker)

    10 Sept 200711 Sept 2007

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference

  3. 2006
  4. Journal of macromolecular science / A (Journal)

    Lederer, K. (Guest editor)

    1 Jan 200631 Dec 2006

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  5. Polimeri (Journal)

    Lederer, K. (Guest editor)

    1 Jan 200631 Dec 2006

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  6. 2002
  7. 2nd intern.Conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation

    Lederer, K. (Speaker)

    30 Jun 20024 Jul 2002

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in conference