Johann G. Raith


Research output

  1. 2021
  2. Published

    Bohnerze vom Reiting, Obersteiermark

    Raith, J. & Schweizer, M., 20 Sept 2021, In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. 2021, 167, p. 161-174

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearch

  3. Published

    Investigating the effects of metamorphism of the sediment-hosted Cu-Co Dolostone Ore Formation, Namibia, using geochemistry of coexisting iron-sulfides

    Bertrandsson Erlandsson, V., Wallner, D., Ellmies, R., Melcher, F. & Raith, J., 19 Sept 2021, Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (2021): MinPet 2021 Wien. p. 76

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearch

  4. E-pub ahead of print

    Sulfosalts record evolution of Cu-Bi-Co-Ni-As mineralization at Baycheh-Bagh deposit, NW Iran

    Rezazadeh, S., Hosseinzadeh, M. R., Raith, J. & Moayyed, M., 14 Sept 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Ore geology reviews. 139.2021, Part A, December, 16 p., 104465.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Applications of sulfide geochemistry for constraining ore-forming processes of the sediment-hosted Cu-Co Dolostone Ore Formation, Namibia

    Bertrandsson Erlandsson, V., Wallner, D., Ellmies, R., Melcher, F. & Raith, J., 29 Aug 2021, 3rd European Mineralogical Conference Cracow Poland: EMC2020. p. 62

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  6. Published

    Sulfide trace element geochemistry and its implications for metamorphism and ore formation: an example from a sediment-hosted Cu-Co mineralization in northwestern Namibia

    Bertrandsson Erlandsson, V., Wallner, D., Ellmies, R., Melcher, F. & Raith, J., 8 Jul 2021, Goldschmidt Vitrual 2021: July 4-9, 2021.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  7. Published

    Using sulfide trace element geochemistry for constraining mineralization paragenesis by LA-ICP-MS: an example from a sediment-hosted Cu-Co deposit in northwestern Namibia

    Bertrandsson Erlandsson, V., Wallner, D., Ellmies, R., Melcher, F. & Raith, J., 8 Mar 2021, 2021 PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium: March 8-11, 2021. Online (Canada)

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  8. Published

    Casting new light on tungsten deposits in the Eastern Alps

    Altenberger, F., Raith, J. G., Weilbold, J., Auer, C., Knoll, T., Paulick, H., Schedl, A., Aupers, K., Schmidt, S. & Neinavaie, H., 15 Feb 2021, In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften : ZDGG. 172.2021, 1, p. 63-72 10 p., 10.1127/zdgg/2021/0262.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published
  10. 2020
  11. Published

    Mineral chemistry and phase relations of Co–Ni arsenides and sulfarsenides from the Baycheh-Bagh deposit, Zanjan province, Iran

    Rezazadeh, S., Hosseinzadeh, M. R., Raith, J. G. & Moayyed, M., Dec 2020, In: Ore geology reviews. 127, 103836.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleTransferpeer-review

  12. Published

    Shine On You Crazy Scheelite: Unraveling micro-textures of scheelite from the Eastern Alps

    Altenberger, F. & Raith, J., 30 Nov 2020, p. 3.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

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