
Organisational unit: University


  1. Best Poster Award - H2-C Symposium

    Abu Zahra, N. (Recipient), 11 Jul 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  2. 1st Place Winner in the Student Speech Contest of the European Ceramic Society 2023

    Jabr, A. (Recipient), 5 Jul 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  3. Montanuniversitaet Leoben: Excellent Teaching Award – SS_2023 (FPAMFM)

    Woschank, M. (Recipient) & Miklautsch, P. (Recipient), 28 Jul 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  4. Ion Beam Modifications of Materials (IBMM 2022 Prize)

    Tunes, M. (Recipient), Jul 2022

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  5. Merit of Honor

    Tunes, M. (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: National/international honour

  6. Merit of Honor

    Tunes, M. (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: National/international honour

  7. Student Ambassador

    Tunes, M. (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Other distinction

  8. Best Student Paper Award

    Nwankwo, L. (Recipient) & Rückert, E. (Recipient), 19 May 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)