Chair of Physical Metallurgy (420)

Organisational unit: Chair

Research output

  1. 2024
  2. Published

    Predictive Model for Catalytic Methane Pyrolysis

    Pototschnig, U., Matas, M., Scheiblehner, D., Neuschitzer, D., Obenaus-Emler, R., Antrekowitsch, H. & Holec, D., 25 May 2024, In: Journal of physical chemistry C (C, Nanomaterials and interfaces). 128.2024, 22, p. 9034-9040 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Design and characterization of novel Zr-Al-Fe-Y metallic glasses with nanoscale phase separation

    Singh, D., Parthiban, R., Jelinek, A., Bhattacharya, R., Chen, Z., Fellner, S., Gammer, C., Zhang, Z. & Eckert, J., May 2024, In: Materialia. 34.2024, May, 7 p., 102104.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. E-pub ahead of print

    Peculiarity of hydrogen absorption in duplex steels: Phase-selective lattice swelling and stress evolution

    Pogrielz, T., Eichinger, M., Weiser, A., Todt, J., Hohenwarter, A., Ascii, A., Sarac, B., Brandl, D., Ressel, G., Jary, M., Dlouhý, A., Mori, G. K. & Keckes, J., 27 Apr 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Scripta Materialia. 248.2024, 15 July, 7 p., 116142.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Effect of Nb incorporation in Mo2BC coatings on structural and mechanical properties—Ab initio modelling and experiment

    Zenisek, J., Soucek, P., Ondračka, P., Czigány, Z., Buršíková, V., Holec, D., Balazsi, K. & Vasina, P., 15 Apr 2024, In: Acta materialia. 268.2024, 15 April, 12 p., 119741.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Structure–Property Relations in Pb-Supersaturated Metastable Sn-Rich Pb-Sn Alloys

    Friák, M., Cipek, P., Pavlu, J., Zobac, O., Roupcova, P., Miháliková, I., Holec, D., Msallamova, S. & Michalcova, A., 4 Apr 2024, In: Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science . 55.2024, June, p. 1867-1877 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Elucidating effects of Eu and P on solidification and precipitation of Al-7Si-0.3Mg based alloys refined by Ta and TiB2

    Spáčil, I., Gehringer, D., Holec, D., Albu, M. & LI, J., 25 Mar 2024, In: Journal of alloys and compounds. 978.2024, 25 March, 16 p., 173343.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Effect of intercritical annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a PH 13-8 Mo maraging steel

    Rosenauer, A., Teusl, S., Landefeld, A., Brandl, D., Ressel, G., Hönigmann, T., Stadler, M., Turk, C., Maawad, E., Stockinger, M. & Schnitzer, R., Mar 2024, In: Materials science and engineering: A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing. 895.2024, March, 13 p., 146220.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Hydrogen trapping in mixed carbonitrides

    Hammer, P., Romaner, L. & Razumovskiy, V. I., 10 Feb 2024, In: Acta materialia. 268.2024, 15 April, 18 p., 119754.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Multiscale in-situ observations of the micro- and nanostructure of a PH 13-8 Mo maraging steel during austenitization

    Rosenauer, A., Brandl, D., Ressel, G., Hönigmann, T., Stadler, M., Turk, C., Gammer, C., Wiessner, M., Gamsjäger, E., Stockinger, M. & Schnitzer, R., Feb 2024, In: Materials characterization. 208.2024, February, 13 p., 113554.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    A model for catalytic methane pyrolysis - A DFT study

    Matas, M., Pototschnig, U. & Holec, D., 2024.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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