Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, ‎1618-2642



Research output

  1. 2008
  2. Published

    Identification of Marchfeld asparagus using Sr isotope ratio measurements by MC-ICP-MS

    Swoboda, S., Brunner, M., Boulyga, S. F., Galler, P., Horacek, M. & Prohaska, T., Jan 2008, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 390, 2, p. 487-494 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Identification of the geographic origin of asparagus using Sr isotope ratio measurements by MC-ICP-MS

    Prohaska, T., Swoboda, S., Brunner, M., Boulyga, S. F., Galler, P., Horacek, M. & Stingeder, G., 2008, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    N-K electron energy-loss near-edge structures for TiN/VN layers: an ab-initio and experimental study

    Lazar, P., Redinger, J., Strobl, J., Podloucky, R., Rashkova, B., Dehm, G., Kothleitner, G., Sturm, S., Kutschej, K., Mitterer, C. & Scheu, C., 2008, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 390, p. 1447-1453

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  5. 2007
  6. Published

    Development of an accurate, sensitive, and robust isotope dilution laser ablation ICP-MS method for simultaneous multi-element analysis (chlorine, sulfur, and heavy metals) in coal samples

    Boulyga, S. F., Heilmann, J., Prohaska, T. & Heumann, K. G., Oct 2007, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 389, 3, p. 697-706

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    History of individuals of the 18th/19th centuries stored in bones, teeth, and hair analyzed by LA-ICP-MS-a step in attempts to confirm the authenticity of Mozart's skull

    Stadlbauer, C., Reiter, C., Patzak, B., Stingeder, G. & Prohaska, T., Jun 2007, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 388, 3, p. 593-602

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Semi-quantitative chemical analysis of hard coatings by Raman micro-spectroscopy: the aluminium chromium nitride system as an example

    Kaindl, R., Sartory, B., Neidhardt, J., Franz, R., Reiter, A., Polcik, P., Tessandri, R. & Mitterer, C., 2007, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 389, p. 1569-1576

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  9. 2006
  10. Published

    Report of the 1st AcadeMIC Summer School for Metrology in Chemistry

    Prohaska, T., Bulska, E., Duta, S., Leito, I., Magnusson, B., Majcen, N., Robouch, P., Taylor, P., Vassileva, E., Prichard, E., Suchanek, M. & Wegscheider, W., 2006, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. p. 1031-1032

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  11. Published

    Report of the 1st Academic Summer School for ‘Metrology in Chemistry’ held in Rogaska Slatina Slovenia (6-9 July 2005)

    Prohaska, T., Bulska, E., Duta, S., Leito, I., Magnusson, B., Majcen, N., Prichard, E., Robouch, P., Suchanek, M., Taylor, P., Vassileva, E. & Wegscheider, W., 2006, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. p. 1031-1032

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  12. 2005
  13. Published

    Time-resolved monitoring of heavy-metal intoxication in single hair by laser ablation ICP-DRCMS

    Stadlbauer, C., Prohaska, T., Reiter, C., Knaus, A. & Stingeder, G., Oct 2005, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 383, 3, p. 500-508 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

  14. Published

    Analysis of trace elements in human hair by LA-ICP-MS

    Prohaska, T., Stadlbauer, C., Knaus, A., Stingeder, G. & Reiter, C., 2005, In: Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. p. 500-508

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review