The zoo of continued fractions, which animals have matching?

Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk



19 Jan 2023

Niels Langeveld - Speaker

There are many ways of making continued fraction expansions. Some more classical than others. In this talk I will highlight some families of continued fraction expansion algorithms that show interesting matching behavior. What are the differences and similarities between the families and what can be said when we find matching? In the first half of the talk, I will explain what matching is and what can be concluded from it. I will discuss the more classical families (Nakada continued fractions, Katok-Ugarcovici continued fractions and Tanaka-Ito continued fractions) and more recent settings (a family of infinite measure continued fraction transformations and odd alpha continued fractions). After the break I will discuss N,alpha continued fractions which show both similar and different behavior. I collaborated with the following people on projects concerning matching for continued fractions: Carlo Carminati, Yusuf Hartono, Charlene Kalle, Cor Kraaikamp, Marta Maggioni, Claire Merriman, Sara Munday, Wolfgang Steiner.

19 Jan 2023

External organisation (University)

NameUniversität Wien
LocationWähringer Straße 42