The Usage of Challenge-based Learning in Industrial Engineering Education

Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation



22 Sept 202124 Sept 2021

Manuel Woschank - Speaker

Corina Pacher - Speaker

Philipp Miklautsch - Speaker

Alexander Kaiblinger - Speaker

Mariaelena Murphy - Speaker

The successful implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies is dependent on a variety of complex endogenous and/or exogenous influencing factors. In this context, the realignment of contemporary teaching and learning methods is seen as a major prerequisite for the systematic development of human factors in modern and hyper-dynamic working environments. This paper focuses on the investigation of challenge-based learning as one of the most promising interactive methods for industrial engineering education. After reviewing current research on challenge-based learning, two exemplary challenges are presented in the form of a case study to serve as a foundation for the systematic development of transdisciplinary competences for the engineers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
22 Sept 202124 Sept 2021

Event (Conference)

TitleICL2021: Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development – Challenges for Higher Education
Web address (URL)
LocationTU Dresden
Degree of recognitionInternational event