Tensile testing of ceramic balls – a round robin exercise

Activity: Talk or presentation Oral presentation


  • Tanja Lube - Speaker
  • Oskar Schöppl - contributor
  • Stefan Strobl - contributor
  • Roger Morell - contributor
  • Jan Dusza - contributor
  • Aylin Karakuscu - contributor
  • Ono Hideki - contributor
  • Robert Danzer - contributor


24 Jan 2017

Tanja Lube - Speaker

Oskar Schöppl - contributor

Stefan Strobl - contributor

Roger Morell - contributor

Jan Dusza - contributor

Aylin Karakuscu - contributor

Ono Hideki - contributor

Robert Danzer - contributor

24 Jan 2017

Event (Conference)

Title41st International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites
Abbrev. TitleICACC2017
LocationHilton Daytona Beach Resort Ocean Center
CityDaytona Beach
Country/TerritoryUnited States