Sara Sariri

Activity: Hosting a visitorHosting an academic visitor


25 Oct 202214 Nov 2022

Thomas Prohaska - Host

Johanna Irrgeher - Host

Gulnaz Mukhametzianova - Host

The Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry was hosting a PhD student Sara Sariri in the autumn of 2022. Sara is working on evaluating aquatic organism responses to metal exposure, and she visited Montanuniversität Leoben to analyze her fish samples using Laser ablation ICP-MS technique. Sara received full support from the team of the Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry, and the collaboration work resulted in fruitful results.
25 Oct 202214 Nov 2022

Hosting an academic visitor

NameSara Sariri
Visitor degreePhD Student
External organisations
Ruđer Bošković Institute