Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing with metallic and ceramic materials

Activity: Talk or presentation Invited talk



25 Sept 2019

Joamin Gonzales-Gutierrez - Speaker

This was the opening lecture of the congress. The presentation was in Spanish and had the original title of "Manufactura aditiva por extrusión con materiales metálicos y cerámicos". It was on overview of the process of material extrusion additive manufacturing and how it has been applied to the indirect manufacturing of metal and ceramic specimens. Emphasis was given to the research done at the Institute of Polymer Processing, Montanuniversitaet Leoben.
25 Sept 2019

Event (Conference)

TitleInternational Congress of Engineering Science and Technology
Abbrev. TitleCICITEC19
Web address (URL)
LocationUniversidad Autonoma de Baja California
CityValle de las Palmas
Degree of recognitionInternational event