The Benefits of Automation to the Mucking Process of a Sub-Level Stoping Operation

Publikationen: Thesis / Studienabschlussarbeiten und HabilitationsschriftenMaster Thesis (Universitätslehrgang)


In February 2009, Xstrata Nickel suspended further development on the Fraser Morgan project as a result of dropping nickel prices, and rising costs. At the same time, a team was assembled to move the project back to a pre-feasibility status, and complete a detailed investigation and analysis to support a new pre-feasibility study, with the goal of having a proposal ready to present to the Xstrata Board by mid 2009. The goal with this new pre-feasibility is to review all opportunities to reduce costs, optimize operational processes, and ultimately develop a financially feasible working model. The goal of this technical project is to offer further analysis of modern, less traditional methods for stope mucking in comparison to their common methods, and determine if ‘new technology’ offers any payback benefits in the evolution of a new project such as this.


Titel in ÜbersetzungThe Benefits of Automation to the Mucking Process of a Sub-Level Stoping Operation
Betreuer/-in / Berater/-in
Datum der Bewilligung28 Okt. 2009
StatusVeröffentlicht - 2009