Material selection, testing and validation of additively manufactured components

Publikationen: KonferenzbeitragPaper(peer-reviewed)


In order to successfully develop a structurally loaded component via additive manufacturing it is necessary to include several vital aspects. Currently, most attention is given to the geometrical reproduction of a design with as little deviation as possible. While for parts produced purely for aesthetic reasons or display this may be sufficient, it can lead to poor results for components used in structural or medical applications. Therefore, a careful material selection, rigorous testing and validation have to accompany the whole process, from the idea to the final component. This work presents an overview over the most important aspects that have to be considered for the material selection and testing in extrusion-based additive manufacturing of structural parts.


StatusVeröffentlicht - 9 Mai 2018
VeranstaltungSPE Antec 2018: The plastics technology conference - Orlando, Florida, Orlando, USA / Vereinigte Staaten
Dauer: 7 Mai 201811 Mai 2018


KonferenzSPE Antec 2018
Land/GebietUSA / Vereinigte Staaten