Integrisano smanјenјe rizika od katastrofa izazvanih požarima: pregled literature: Integrated Fire Disaster Risk Reduction: A Literature Review

Publikationen: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelForschung(peer-reviewed)

Externe Organisationseinheiten

  • Universität Belgrad


All over the world, different types of fires do not cease to cause serious material and non-material consequences, forcing people and their institutions to design and implement various preventive (construction, mechanical, electrical, architectural, etc.) measures to mitigate the risk of such events. Using an integrated disaster risk reduction approach ensures a higher level of efficiency in mitigating the likelihood and consequences of future fires. The subject of the paper is a comprehensive analysis and description of various preventive fire protection measures, fire protection systems concerning equipment, education programs in the field of fire protection and training of citizens, preparedness for response as well as tactical elements for effective response in disasters caused by fires. To carry out a review of the literature on the integrated reduction of the risk of disasters caused by fires, a historical and comparative method were used, as well as a content analysis method. The results of the literature review can be used to improve the reduction of the risk of disasters caused by fires in Serbia. Conclusion: Improving the level of fire safety is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. In addition to a high level of professional commitment, the absolute and total support of society is also needed, as well as serious and unequivocal political commitment. In order to improve the level of fire safety in the country, the "top-down" approach must be changed. In other words, to achieve this goal, one must first start with changes at the individual level. For the country to be able to respond to the challenges, risks, and threats it faces, it should follow examples of good practices from around the world and apply them per the needs and capabilities of the country. With this aim, many international organizations and platforms have been established that provide the exchange of information, experiences, knowledge, and practices in the field of fire protection. In addition to monitoring the implementation of the law on fire protection, normative and technical standards, regulations, and plans, it is necessary to work on improving the technical equipment of the fire rescue service, as well as the professional competencies of members of those services. The first step in building an effective protection and rescue system is the introduction of subjects related to fire safety in educational institutions. Through curricular and extracurricular activities, it is necessary for children to be introduced to protection measures and ways of implementing these measures in everyday life, both for personal protection and because of their tendency to pass on the acquired knowledge to their family members, thereby providing indirect education. The community, and especially the family, as the basic unit of society, has a significant role when it comes to adopting a safety culture. In Serbia, it is necessary to continue improving legal and by-law regulations, as well as the level of control over the implementation of legal norms. In addition, it is necessary to implement innovative preventive measures as soon as possible so that the development of the protection and rescue system in emergency situations caused by fires is at the same level as technological and social development.


Titel in ÜbersetzungIntegrated Fire Disaster Risk Reduction: A Literature Review
Seiten (von - bis)11-70
FachzeitschriftČasopis za diplomatiju i bezbednost
StatusVeröffentlicht - 31 Dez. 2023
Extern publiziertJa