From shallow-water carbonate ramp to hemipelagic deep-marine carbonate deposition: Part 3. Lithostratigraphy and Formations of the Middle to Late Anisian Bulog sedimentary successions (Bulog Group) in the Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro)
Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
in: From shallow-water carbonate ramp to hemipelagic deep-marine carbonate deposition: Part 3. Lithostratigraphy and Formations of the Middle to Late Anisian Bulog sedimentary successions (Bulog Group) in the Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro), 2023.
Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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T1 - From shallow-water carbonate ramp to hemipelagic deep-marine carbonate deposition: Part 3. Lithostratigraphy and Formations of the Middle to Late Anisian Bulog sedimentary successions (Bulog Group) in the Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro)
AU - Sudar, Milan
AU - Gawlick, Hans-Jürgen
AU - Bucur, Ioan I.
AU - Jovanović, Divna
AU - Missoni, Sigrid
AU - Lein, Richard
PY - 2023
Y1 - 2023
N2 - In the Middle Anisian the opening of the Neo-Tethys started and thisis characterized by a significant change in deposition in the whole WesternTethys Realm. In the Dinarides the Middle to Late Anisian tectonostratigraphicand basin evolution is mirrored by their sedimentary successions. In the MiddleAnisian, the evolution of the shallow-water Ravni Carbonate Ramp endedrelatively abrupt in the late Pelsonian: a rapid decrease of carbonate productionis accompanied by formation of a horst-and-graben topography. This change isexpressed by the change in deposition from shallow-water carbonates to deep-water sedimentary rocks, i.e. the Ravni Carbonate Ramp experienced adrowning. Contemporaneously neptunian dikes were formed in the underlyingRavni Formation, filled with deep-water limestones. In the grabens, near to thenewly formed escarpments mass transport deposits accumulated. During thetime span late Pelsonian to middle Illyrian a general deepening trend is mirroredin the sedimentological trend and the microfacies characteristics. Fossilla -gerstätten (mainly cephalopods) and hardgrounds occur widespread in thedeeper-water red nodular limestones formed widespreadabove the RavniCarbonate Ramp. Around the middle/late Illyrian boundary a second intensepulse of tectonic motions, related to the onset of volcanic activity, resulted in acrosscut of the older horst-and-graben topo graphy. A second generation ofneptunian dikes was formed, the blocks tilted, and again mass transport depositsaccumulated near to escarpments. The late Illyrian is characterized by an overalldeepening trend expressed also in a change in the microfacies characteristics toradiolarian-rich wacke- to packstones. In cases even radio larites or silicifiedlimestones are characteristic sedimentary rocks in late Illyrian to Ladinian timesbeside silicified volcano-sedimentary rocks. This paper will define the lateMiddle-Late Anisian red nodular limestones and related sedimentary rocks withmass transport deposits overlying the Ravni Carbonate Ramp on base of newsedimen tological, stratigraphic and micro facies data following the internationalrules and standards. The palaeo geographic position together with characteristiclitho- and microfacies features cause the lithostratigraphic definition of thedifferent units. Included in the newly introduced Bulog Group are: 1) the emended and formalized Bulog Formation and 2) the newly introduced and defined Komarani Formation. The type‐section of the Bulog Formation east of Sarajevo (Han Vidović, central Bosnia and Herzegovina) is revisited. The Komarani Formation is introduced with the type‐section in Komarani village (Zlatar Mt. in SW Serbia). The reference sections for the Bulog Formation in SW Serbia (Klisura quarry on Zlatibor Mt.), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Pridvorica locality at Romanija Mt.) and in Montenegro (Boljevići near Virpazar), are defined. In the reference sections some characteristic lithological and microfacies features are better preserved as in the type‐section and included in the emendation and formalization of the Bulog Formation. The Bulog Formation at the type‐section and all reference sections are in the Late Triassic overlain by the shallow‐water carbonates of the Wetterstein and Dachstein Carbonate Platforms. Age and facies equivalent red nodular limestones deposited in the outer shelf region are part of the Middle to Late Triassic Hallstatt Limestone succession. In the type‐region of the Hallstatt Limestones these late Middle to Late Anisian red nodular limestones are named Schreyeralm Limestones. The name Schreyeralm Limestone was introduced earlier as the name Bulog Limestone. It is discussed if also in the Dinarides the name Schreyeralm Limestone should be used for such Anisian red nodular limestones deposited in the outer shelf region, for priority reasons, or if they should be included into the Bulog Formation to avoid confusion, for historical reasons.
AB - In the Middle Anisian the opening of the Neo-Tethys started and thisis characterized by a significant change in deposition in the whole WesternTethys Realm. In the Dinarides the Middle to Late Anisian tectonostratigraphicand basin evolution is mirrored by their sedimentary successions. In the MiddleAnisian, the evolution of the shallow-water Ravni Carbonate Ramp endedrelatively abrupt in the late Pelsonian: a rapid decrease of carbonate productionis accompanied by formation of a horst-and-graben topography. This change isexpressed by the change in deposition from shallow-water carbonates to deep-water sedimentary rocks, i.e. the Ravni Carbonate Ramp experienced adrowning. Contemporaneously neptunian dikes were formed in the underlyingRavni Formation, filled with deep-water limestones. In the grabens, near to thenewly formed escarpments mass transport deposits accumulated. During thetime span late Pelsonian to middle Illyrian a general deepening trend is mirroredin the sedimentological trend and the microfacies characteristics. Fossilla -gerstätten (mainly cephalopods) and hardgrounds occur widespread in thedeeper-water red nodular limestones formed widespreadabove the RavniCarbonate Ramp. Around the middle/late Illyrian boundary a second intensepulse of tectonic motions, related to the onset of volcanic activity, resulted in acrosscut of the older horst-and-graben topo graphy. A second generation ofneptunian dikes was formed, the blocks tilted, and again mass transport depositsaccumulated near to escarpments. The late Illyrian is characterized by an overalldeepening trend expressed also in a change in the microfacies characteristics toradiolarian-rich wacke- to packstones. In cases even radio larites or silicifiedlimestones are characteristic sedimentary rocks in late Illyrian to Ladinian timesbeside silicified volcano-sedimentary rocks. This paper will define the lateMiddle-Late Anisian red nodular limestones and related sedimentary rocks withmass transport deposits overlying the Ravni Carbonate Ramp on base of newsedimen tological, stratigraphic and micro facies data following the internationalrules and standards. The palaeo geographic position together with characteristiclitho- and microfacies features cause the lithostratigraphic definition of thedifferent units. Included in the newly introduced Bulog Group are: 1) the emended and formalized Bulog Formation and 2) the newly introduced and defined Komarani Formation. The type‐section of the Bulog Formation east of Sarajevo (Han Vidović, central Bosnia and Herzegovina) is revisited. The Komarani Formation is introduced with the type‐section in Komarani village (Zlatar Mt. in SW Serbia). The reference sections for the Bulog Formation in SW Serbia (Klisura quarry on Zlatibor Mt.), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Pridvorica locality at Romanija Mt.) and in Montenegro (Boljevići near Virpazar), are defined. In the reference sections some characteristic lithological and microfacies features are better preserved as in the type‐section and included in the emendation and formalization of the Bulog Formation. The Bulog Formation at the type‐section and all reference sections are in the Late Triassic overlain by the shallow‐water carbonates of the Wetterstein and Dachstein Carbonate Platforms. Age and facies equivalent red nodular limestones deposited in the outer shelf region are part of the Middle to Late Triassic Hallstatt Limestone succession. In the type‐region of the Hallstatt Limestones these late Middle to Late Anisian red nodular limestones are named Schreyeralm Limestones. The name Schreyeralm Limestone was introduced earlier as the name Bulog Limestone. It is discussed if also in the Dinarides the name Schreyeralm Limestone should be used for such Anisian red nodular limestones deposited in the outer shelf region, for priority reasons, or if they should be included into the Bulog Formation to avoid confusion, for historical reasons.
KW - Triassic
KW - Dinarides
KW - Lithostratigraphy
KW - Palaeogeography
KW - facies
M3 - Article
JO - From shallow-water carbonate ramp to hemipelagic deep-marine carbonate deposition: Part 3. Lithostratigraphy and Formations of the Middle to Late Anisian Bulog sedimentary successions (Bulog Group) in the Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montene
JF - From shallow-water carbonate ramp to hemipelagic deep-marine carbonate deposition: Part 3. Lithostratigraphy and Formations of the Middle to Late Anisian Bulog sedimentary successions (Bulog Group) in the Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montene
ER -