Michael Tkadletz
- 2016
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Thermo-physical properties of wear resistant hard coatings
Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Pohler, M., Czettl, C. & Mitterer, C., 2016.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Vortrag › Forschung
- 2017
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Cross-sectional characterization techniques as the basis for knowledge-based design of graded CVD TiN-TiB2 coatings
Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Mitterer, C., Hofer, C., Keckes, J., Deluca, M., Pohler, M. & Czettl, C., 2017.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Poster › Forschung
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Cross-sectional characterization techniques as the basis for knowledge-based design of graded CVD TiN-TiB2 coatings
Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Mitterer, C., Keckes, J., Pohler, M. & Czettl, C., 2017, 19th Plansee Seminar. S. 88/1-88/9Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Influence of cutting speed and workpiece material on the wear mechanisms of CVD TiCN/α-Al2O3 coated cutting inserts during turning
Gassner, M., Schalk, N., Tkadletz, M., Pohler, M., Czettl, C. & Mitterer, C., 2017.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Poster › Forschung
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Influence of cutting speed and workpiece material on the wear mechanisms of CVD TiCN/α-Al2O3 coated cutting inserts during turning
Gassner, M., Schalk, N., Tkadletz, M., Pohler, M., Czettl, C. & Mitterer, C., 2017, 19th Plansee Seminar. S. 92/1-92/11Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Influence of the Ta content on microstructure, properties and thermal stability of arc evaporated Ti Al Ta N hard coatings
Großmann, B., Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Czettl, C., Pohler, M., Jamnig, A. & Mitterer, C., 2017.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Poster › Forschung
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Influence of the Ta content on microstructure, properties and thermal stabiltiy of arc evaporated Ti1-x-yAlxTayN hard coatings
Großmann, B., Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Czettl, C., Pohler, M., Jamnig, A. & Mitterer, C., 2017, 19th Plansee Seminar. S. 96/1-96/12Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Straightforward measurement of thermal conductivity of hard coatings with the TDTR method
Winkler, M., Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Mitterer, C., Bartholomé, K., Pohler, M. & Czettl, C., 2017.Publikationen: Konferenzbeitrag › Poster › Forschung
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Pattern decomposition for residual stress analysis: a generalization taking into consideration elastic anisotropy and extension to higher-symmetry Laue classes
Schoderböck, P., Leibenguth, P. & Tkadletz, M., Aug. 2017, in: Journal of applied crystallography. 50.2017, 4, S. 1011-1020 10 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Complementary High Spatial Resolution Methods in Materials Science and Engineering
Paris, O., Lang, D., LI, J., Schumacher, P., Deluca, M., Daniel, R., Tkadletz, M., Schalk, N., Mitterer, C., Todt, J., Keckes, J., Zhang, Z., Popovski, G., Ganser, C., Teichert, C. & Clemens, H., 31 Dez. 2017, in: Advanced engineering materials. 19.2017, 4, 22 S., 1600671.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)