Menghuai Wu
- 2013
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“Simultaneous observation of melt flow and motion of equiaxed crystals during solidification using a dual phase Particle Image Velocimetry technique. Part II
Kharicha, A., Stefan Kharicha, M., Ludwig, A. & Wu, M., 2013, in: Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science . 44, S. 661-668Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Simultaneous observation of melt flow and motion of equiaxed crystals during solidification using a dual phase PIV technique
Kharicha, A., Stefan Kharicha, M., Ludwig, A. & Wu, M., 2013, McWASP XIII. S. 1-1Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Two-year-term report for the scientific evaluation of the Christian-Doppler laboratory for " Advanced Process Simulation of Solidification and Melting"
Wu, M., 2013Publikationen: Buch/Bericht › Forschungsbericht › Transfer
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"Using a Three Phase Mixed Columnar-Equiaxed Solidification Model to Study Macrosegregation in Ingot Casting: Perspectives and Limitations"
Wu, M., Kharicha, A. & Ludwig, A., 2013, "Using a Three Phase Mixed Columnar-Equiaxed Solidification Model to Study Macrosegregation in Ingot Casting: Perspectives and Limitations". S. 171-180Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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"Variation of the Resistance During the Elektrode Movement in the Electroslag Remelting Process"
Kharicha, A., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 2013, "Variation of the Resistance During the Elektrode Movement in the Electroslag Remelting Process". S. 145-150Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Contribution of the mould current to the ingot surface quality in the electroslag remelting process
Kharicha, A., Sibaki, E. K., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 1 Jan. 2013, International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting 2013, LMPC 2013. S. 95-99 5 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Variation of the resistance during the electrode movement in the electroslag remelting process
Kharicha, A., Wu, M. & Ludwig, A., 1 Jan. 2013, International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting 2013, LMPC 2013. S. 145-150 6 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband › Beitrag in Konferenzband
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Prediction of the as-cast structure of Al-4.0 Wt Pct Cu ingots
Ahmadein, M., Wu, M., Li, J. H., Schumacher, P. & Ludwig, A., 1 Juni 2013, in: Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science . 44, 6, S. 2895-2903 9 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
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Modeling diffusion-governed solidification of ternary alloys - Part 1: Coupling solidification kinetics with thermodynamics
Wu, M., Li, J., Ludwig, A. & Kharicha, A., 13 Juni 2013, in: Computational materials science. 79, S. 830-840 11 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)
- Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung.
Modeling the Effects of Strand Surface Bulging and Mechanical Softreduction on the Macrosegregation Formation in Steel Continuous Casting
Domitner, J., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Kaufmann, B., Schaden, T. & Reiter, J., 24 Okt. 2013, (Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung.) in: Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science . 45.2014, 3, S. 1415-1434 20 S.Publikationen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Forschung › (peer-reviewed)