Synchrotron SAXS/WAXS on Colloidal Nanocrystals and Supercrystals

Aktivität: SonstigeExternes akademisches Engagement - Vortrag auf Einladung (auch auf Konferenzen)



28 Aug. 2019

Rainer T. Lechner - Redner/-in

The European synchrotron and FEL user organisation (ESUO) is aiming at coordinating the synchrotron and FEL radiation user activities within Europe in order to guarantee the realization and the access to the best beamlines in Europe. The workshop will comprise few talks about ESUO aims and challenges, physics of synchrotron and FEL radiation, as well as possibilities on various applications within the region.
28 Aug. 2019

Veranstaltung (Workshop)

TitelESUO Regional Workshop
Zeitraum28/08/19 → …
Webadresse (URL)
OrtSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA)
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung