Data Science in Subsidence Engineering: Challenges and Applications in Salt Cavern Subsidence Prediction

Aktivität: Gespräch oder VortragMündliche Präsentation



26 Feb. 2024

Aleksandra Babaryka - Redner

This presentation explores the impact of spatial distribution on parameter estimation through a synthetic simulation. It demonstrates how spatial variability influences model accuracy and prediction reliability. Additionally, it presents a critical review of real-world applications in salt cavern subsidence, with a focus on cases in Germany. The discussion covers key challenges, limitations, and the feasibility of accurate subsidence predictions.
26 Feb. 2024

Veranstaltung (Konferenz)

TitelXXXIII Mineral Resources & Energy Congress (SEP)
Webadresse (URL)
OrtQUBUS hotel, Nadwiślańska st. 6.